Our first responsibility at JANA Life Sciences is to Life Science Professionals the world over, including Healthcare Providers (and thereby Patients), who are impacted by our products and services. Our commitment to them—our Customers—is to provide exceptional service with high quality and on-time delivery at a fair price. We recognize we are here to serve our Customers and at the same time that we are in business because of them, and for this we are thankful.


Our next responsibility is to the JANA Life Sciences Family across the globe. We recognize and respect the multitude of ethnic backgrounds, cultures, educational trainings and values that each considers integral to their individuality. We consider Diversity & Inclusion to be the core strength of our company and central to our delivery promises. At the same time, we realize that we each have an obligation to ensure harmony within our company—that is centered on respecting the dignity, role, professional development and well-being of our Family members—while striving to be the best at what we do. We realize that this applies to everyone in the company, not just the Customer-facing groups. It is just as important for those of us in a support role to provide that exceptional level of service to our internal Customers. Our Teams can only be successful with the support of the entire organization.


Our next responsibility is to ensure that our business model remains progressive, allowing us the flexibility to integrate new techniques and systems with the ability, if need be, to change direction quickly. Our business philosophy has remained constant since 1973; by focusing on our Customers’ immediate needs, as well as their long-term growth, we can provide services that are customizable and flexible. That’s “The JANA Way”—always looking beyond the quick fixes—a philosophy that has translated into many long-term relationships, a fact that makes us proud.


Our next responsibility is to each of our Partners throughout the world. Increasingly, we are reliant on them to connect us with Customers and to produce our products and services. In many ways they are our Customers too. We seek to develop diverse and inclusive relationships that are focused on near- and long-term interests alike and to build on our respective strengths. In our journey together, we consider it our responsibility to support them along the way and to understand when we may need to lead or to follow.


We have an obligation to be socially conscious and support Communities the world over, and not just where we live and work. Through direct and indirect means, from charitable giving to volunteering, we strive to enhance the lives and well-being of people of all identities, though especially those with pressing needs. At the same time, we recognize that the need to support Communities also means the need to ensure the preservation and protection of their very environments. To this end, we are committed to sustainability in our endeavors, whether small or large.

Our Ethics

We value honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability, and respect in all of our actions and interactions. Given our product is communications, we place significant value on our own internal communications. We deem critical, timely feedback to be an integral aspect of how we manage and improve our company in all manners over time. We embrace an “open-door” policy at all levels and encourage frank discussions about issues and risks that previously, currently, or potentially may weigh on our business. We realize that this is not only paramount to ensuring the long-term viability and success of our company, but also and more importantly, maintaining the trust of our Customers.